What is this

ART JAM is project which aims to develop and evolve "creative, expressive senses" for every people, and assist them to make their life wealthy with these senses. We conduct it in terms of well-being and business.
Creative and expressive senses
Apart from art, we consider these two factors are innate senses as human being, and everybody have latent desire for it as well as such as exercise. These sense/ skill/ process can be applied for any realm of activity as common principle of action whether housework, sport or business.

Create: To cause to come into being
For example of problem-solve, if you frequently encounter same problem. You wonder, think what is the cause, analyse the process how it happen. Then find out the idea to solve/ avoid that cause.

Express: To set forth inner thing
Afterward you try to operate that idea substantialy. First you have to explain the idea to the people involved. Why you do, what you do, how you do... In order to convey exactly what you think, you consider how people get your words, react. Then you take action: explain to people, get agreement, conduct the idea. However in real, the idea may not work as you planned. You have to adjust the idea to fit and work properly. The result may not be same as you think at the first time.
Make life wealthy with these senses

1. Positive effect for mentality
Creating and expressing or even just appreciating art have diverse positive effects such as healing, joy or self-discovery, reduce stres... Especially when people accomplish something, they may get self-confidence. Many studies shown this. And this is one reason art is often used for education, therapy or reform.

2. Change in behavior
To polish idea or express it at will, it may require practice. If people get used to the process of practice/ accomplish in art, they may apply same process in their daily life to improve, solve matters. They will find that to develop their life is not that difficult, or even interesting. Mental change cause/ advance physical change. They will know they can change more things than they thought, realise their possibility.

3. Change in perspective
These process foster diverse senses for perspective and understanding, such as imagination, insight, analyzability, predictability, concentration, considaration.
Especially, expressing foster bravery to reveal inner of one's self, and sense of balance between one's self and others.

4. Physical wealth
Apart from mental wealth, we support sales, promotion of art activity so that artist can earn money, get connection, raise awareness which make artist's life wealty in substantial way.
In terms of well-being and business

Our principle is "to make people happy and joyful". The objective of each activity must be equivalent (synonymous) to the well-being of involved people. Therefore we consider how we can make people happy through our activity everytime. Or rather, each activity are the result of consideration that how can make people happy within which we have.

This does not mean profit. Business is competition which require us to develop, reflect, improve ourselves. We shall realize we are in certain competition, and improve ourselves so that we can define our identity, advantage, value. We focus on two factors below.
Sales: 1. "Sales" means we offer benefit for client, and in exchange for it, client offer us benefit as well. We must keep considering what kind of benefit we can offer, what is our advantage, value.
2. We consider that people shall earn money in exchange for their action in case they are capable. Otherwise they may not put effort to develop themselves, nor even appreciate value of money. In case artist aim to sell their art work, they should consider it as product. Therefore they reflect their work objectively, reserch high standard art, compare, develop themselves. This process is quite important not only for sales, as their life skill.
Business model: The method, logic or way of thinking which used in business are one of the most advanced principle which can be applied for diverse realm. We shall learn and adopt it into our activity.


Where are we
We sutarted our activity, and currently be based on Kibera-slum in Nairobi, Kenya. It is one of the biggest slum in Africa, the third biggest in the world. The slum typifies diverse issues in Kenya which are common in many other countries of Africa. Poverty, high unemployment, excessive influx of people, lack of infrastructure, politics, tribalism...
We aim to expand this project internationally include advanced country. Since we consider creative/ expressive sense is innate, it has potential needs anywhere in the world. We are seeking for appropriate ways to define each needs, and keep proposing new value.


How we do
As an example, the process of planning dance event from Kibera.
Analyse the situation and condition of Kibera. Such as what is advantage, needs...
Positive factor
People get used to enjoy art
Local prominent artist
Lack of infrastructure

Propose activity in the way use the advantage to accommodate needs. In this case, one of advantage is prominent dancer in Kibera. Thus we can hold dance show with him so that dancer get income = needs. However if we hold this event in Kibera, it does not make much sense since poverty is the issue for the other people in Kibera as well. And people in Kibera may know the dancer, get used to enjoy local dance. Then if we hold toward rich people, it become more effective.
Dance show eventDancer in KiberaRich peopleBar in residential place

Target and objective
Parallel with planning activity, consider its target, objective. Then fix such as cost, necessity, time frame with comparing to effect, efficiency. After all done, start the activity. Keep observing the process, and analyse it all the time. effect, efficiency.
TargetShort term objective Medium termLong term
Kibera dancer Raise income and awareness Get regular job Independence
Rich people Enjoy watching Start dancing by themselves Enjoy c/ e
Get interest in Kibera Support Kibera community Share good society
Kibera community Income from dancer Support from outside Improve enviroment
Aware of this event People start art Make new industry


Who is target
Everybody who is involved
We do not limit our target people since creative and expressive senses are not only for the people who have talent. Or rather any human being have these senses, and can make their life wealthy with these. Therefore we strive to spread awareness especiall toward those who don't have opportunity to encounter these senses. We consider these senses are one of the most crucial factors as human being.
Role of each people
However, depending on our objective of each activity, it specifies the role of each people. For example, in case of dance show for fundraise, audience should be people those who have certain fund, dancer shall be who is in need of fund. And both can get wealthy through the activity. Audience may enjoy watching or joining dance, dancer get payment, enjoy expressing.


Why we do

1: Goodness
Since we have experienced how "art" is good. Creating and expressing or even just appreciating art has full of positive aspect/ affect/ effect for human being, as many studies have been showing.
2: Potential for society
Apart from mental effect for individual, we consider "art" has potential to develop/ improve/ advance diverse matters in society. For example, through sales of art work, it can prevent poverty, can be alternative of employment, if conduct it community centered, can be community development, it can create even new industry in the country. It also has aspects of socialization such as education, behavior reform, therapy... If conduct "art" program with integrating diverse aspects of art, it has potential to change the society significantly.
However "art" is often put aside as luxury or fancy though it has significant potential. Therefore we aim to spread "art" through accommodating actual needs and generating value. We believe it makes the world more wealthy.


When we do
We have started our activity on May 2013.

Please see Schedule.

We aim to sustain our project permanently. Therefore we pursue value of our project, keep develop, improve, evolve ourselves.